Saturday, August 27, 2011

Much Better

I don't know how she eats so much!!

The food has worked. On top of nursing, she gets another two ounces (or more) of formula to top her off. She is LOVING this. We also gave her a bit of rice cereal the other day but not since. I only wanted to start one thing at a time. She slept from 9pm - 6am last night. I fed her at 6 and she still sleeping (7am). I know she was probably just as exhausted as we were but it's been a really fun couple of days.
She is definitely thriving on the additional food. She's playing more, laughing a lot more and has more patience when things are quiet. Looking back, she's been kind of whiney for a few weeks but I just chalked it up to growth or changes but now I wonder if it was a sign that she wasn't getting enough food even back then. She is definitely a different baby...but she eats a lot. Sometimes we are feeding her every 1.5 hours and sometimes it's every 4 hours. I think it will start to even out once she has enough and her hunger is more in control.

Thank you all for thinking of us. It was a rough few days but I'm confident that's the issue and now we can move forward. Pictures to come soon...

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