Wow - I can't believe our baby girl is 2 1/2 months old now. Time is flying!
For the 4th of July we started by watching big brother Liam march in the 4th of July parade in Ridgefield. He is a cub scout in his last year as a Webelos. He carried the WA state flag in the parade. Pippa loved the parade and only fell asleep at the very end. Speaking of sleeping...
Pippa's new mobile - she LOVES to talk to it!
10 weeks old and talking to her mobile |
Someone lent me the book "Healthy Sleep Habits..." and after reading it, decided to go against my better judgment and try a night of "cry it out." Lately, Pippa has been waking in the wee hours and becoming fussy until you give her back her pacifier. Normally this would be fine but it's happening somewhere in the vicinity of 15+ times per night. I want her to be able to sleep without it (which I know she can do). On Sunday, I put her down to sleep and she started fussing. I left the room for five minutes and returned to soothe her and repeated the process until she fell asleep. I have never heard her cry that hard in my entire life! I was aching just to soothe her and quickly realized that I should be taking care of her. The next day (July 4th) she would not leave me at all. If someone else wanted to hold her, she would start screaming...and I mean screaming. I don't think she realized how hard she could cry until that night, now she has been doing it for two days! She has been very clingy and quick to cry since then. I know she probably cannot rationalize what happened but I think she feels like I might leave her again. On a positive note, she slept through the night last night but it wasn't without struggle. Now when she's falling asleep, even at a nap, she fights it. It's only been two days so maybe I'm overreacting but I for sure will NOT do that again.
Anyway...after the parade, we went down to Woodburn to see family again. We had a good time at the senior estates BBQ, all the ladies loved her. We laid her in the grass again and she kicked and cooed for everyone. Then she screamed the entire hour drive home.
Work is going well. I am completing my telecommute application this week and we should know soon what my new work schedule will be. Our department is moving into the new building on Friday so I get to telecommute an extra day this week. They don't want anyone around when they are moving computers etc.
Look who found her thumb! |
9 weeks old - she loves her daddy |
July will be a slow month for us but August is just around the corner. Liam has a resident Webelos camp on August 7th and then he will visit Grandma for a week starting August 22nd. School starts on August 31st for everyone. PTA kicks into high gear in mid-August and I am the treasurer again this year. I'm excited to have a 5th grader and to watch Liam's relationship with Pippa develop even more. He still gets frustrated when she cries but he understands he needs to keep his emotions in check because she will react based on his feelings. He loves her so much and it's so sweet to see them together. I could not have asked for a better big brother for Pippa.
She is really cute!!! Graham just found his thumb, too. I'm sorry she's had a rough time giving up the pacifier. Do you swaddle her when she sleeps? That has really helped Graham stay asleep. However, it's REALLY hard to get swaddle sacks for big babies!! Even the size large Summer SwaddleMe is snug.
ReplyDeleteIt's not really giving up the pacifier, I plan to take that away around 6 months. It's that she loses it and wakes up. We swaddle her with the Halo sleepsack swaddle every time she sleeps, even for naps. It really helps her because she's such a squirmy baby. But she's like Houdini and can break out an arm within seconds! But you're right the swaddles only go to a size small and that only fits up to 18 pounds!
ReplyDeleteOh, my point was that we moved her bedtime a bit later (around 9:00) instead of when she was falling asleep around 7:00. She's been sleeping through the night since! Whew.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cuuuutie!! I love that she "talks" to her mobile!
ReplyDeleteHave you been to You might find some answers from others who also follow the baby whisperer's techniques about the night time wakings Pippa's doing. Hope her sleep improves soon! :)