Sunday, March 25, 2012

Where Does the Time Go?

I know it's been a long while since I posted and we have had so many family changes I don't even know where to start!

First, my job was cut from full-time (40 hours) to half-time (20 hours). While it may sound like I now have a ton of extra time on my hands...I don't. I'm busy looking for a full-time job and/or working to make our ends meet. We should be okay but I have a tendency to stress about money more than I should. We've made less than this before, had more debt and were fine. However, I have been able to claim a partial unemployment check and sell quite a few items on Ebay - who knew it was so easy?

Receiving his Arrow of Light before crossing over
In February, Liam crossed over to boy scouts and has been camping several weekends since. It's an entirely boy-run program so it's a big change for us. We are not allowed to tell them to do anything, they have to figure it out on their own. Hopefully it will help make him a more responsible person overall. He's really enjoying it too. Last week was his first band concert (he plays the trumpet) and the entire group sounded surprisingly well. Also last week, he had his "Math is Cool" competition and his school team took first place! My favorite part of all this is that these are activities he asked us to do! We never told him to do any of these, he wanted to do them. It makes me so proud.

First Place Team!

Miss Pippa has recently started walking, sort of. She takes a few steps here and there. With the camera on they are tentative but when nobody's looking, she walks from place to place with ease, it's pretty funny. She also finally broke through tooth #8! Now she's an even four on top and four on bottom.

Next up for us? We are just plugging away right now. Dan is working some mandatory overtime at work right now (60 hours last week). He will be on active duty for a while starting April 9th. Pippa will be ONE year old here in just a few weeks. She still feels like a little baby to me so it's hard to imagine. Not sure what our plans are for her party yet but we want to keep it small.
The weather was beautiful yesterday and we spent some time outside.

Outside with my gorgeous girl
Her new favorite thing! Showing her tongue. 03/18 - 11 months

Growling like a bear!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Family Updates

Pippa had her 9-month check up on Wednesday. She now weighs 18 pounds and 15 ounces. She's a lanky 2' 4.75" tall. It's funny how she went from being 99% in weight at 10 pounds 4 ounces at birth to merely 50%. The doctor is not concerned and neither are we. If you see her eat you would question where the heck it all goes!
Currently she is still just cruising and crawling but braving it by climbing up on things a little more and by taking her hands off the furniture to play with a toy.
We had a dog behaviorist visit us last Monday because Scooby has been showing some anxiety toward her and we have implemented his few suggestions. I'm happy to say we have completely different dogs. Scooby still avoids her but you can tell he is much more relaxed about it. I feel better allowing her to play on the floor when the dogs are around now.
01/18/12 - 9 months old
She's been teething for a while now and her upper tooth finally came in! Yay for a good night sleep. Then, as I was taking some pictures of her in the tub, I noticed tooth #4 popping through too! I can't believe how fast she is growing up.

Why do they love to chew on washcloths?

Notice her bottom right, another tooth barely popping through!

Liam has one more month of cub scouts until he crosses over to boy scouts! He will receive his badge and arrow of light next month. In a couple of weeks we are going to take him to a boy scout pack meeting so he can meet all the new kids. He also started participating in "Math is Cool" sort of a math bee type club that will compete sometime before school is out in June.

Dan is still adjusting to working the day shift but we all enjoy having him around on Sundays and he is much more awake and aware during any day. He has a great time with Miss Pippa while I'm at work.

I'm still waiting to hear the details of my job. Starting to have a bit of anxiety just not knowing and not being able to plan (as usual) but there's nothing more I can do. We should know in the next couple of weeks.