Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two More Weeks

My post-partum check-up didn't go as well as planned. That's a good and a bad thing. The doctor has given me two more weeks off from work (sick leave) because my c-section scar has not completely healed. Although it looks closed, there's still a bit of pain and some fluid. The good news is that it's two more weeks with Pippa, bad news is that I still cannot workout other than walking.
This week, Pippa is cooing and talking more than ever! She has started smiling at people and is content to just lay on the floor doing arm circles and leg kicks. I began reading a book called "The Baby Whisperer" to help get her more into a routine. Lately, she will eat, then stay up to play for a while before sleeping. This is different than when she would fall asleep eating and nap for hours. While this is the order the book recommends (E.A.S.Y. = eat, activity, sleep, you time), it's difficult for tired mom and dad to feed her at 10pm only to have her stay up until 2am playing before drifting off to sleep. My hope is that we can get her schedule adjusted a little more so she goes down around 11pm. We will see what the week brings, I need to finish the book first.
This will be Pippa's first Memorial Day Weekend! We plan to drive to Puyallup today for a friend's son's first birthday party. On Sunday I am taking Liam and Pippa to the beach for some Grandma time. Dan will stay at home since he is working Sunday and Monday night. I hope that he is able to get lots of sleep as well. Today will be our first long road trip with Pippa and tomorrow will be our first over-nighter. I'm sure she will do well and adapt like she always does, we just need to make sure her routine is not disturbed too much.
We hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday weekend!
Five weeks old

It took some effort...

but her fist was able to fit into her mouth!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Yes, I've been insanely busy. About the time I heat up some food, Pippa is awake and ready to eat. It took me over an hour to get to my quickie microwave meal at lunch today. Most days I can't even check my e-mail. It took all day to sweep the floor yesterday. I told Dan that "if I slept when the baby sleeps, nothing would get done around here."
Anyway, last night was our first night totally alone. Dan is back to work full-time and Liam is with his father this weekend. It seemed to go okay. Pippa was in bed by 10:30. She woke up around 2am to feed and again at 5:30am. I got about 6 hours of sleep. That's not enough for me but I usually do take a nap during the day. Housework tends to happen late at night when baby is sleeping. I plan to go for another walk today.
My follow up doctor appointment is coming up this Wednesday so hopefully I will be cleared to do more exercise.
So, within the last couple of weeks, we have seen some more rollovers. She smiled while awake for the first time on 05/20/11 and I've only seen one or two since then, but they are coming. She has started to coo a lot! It's funny to watch her flail her arms and legs and put so much effort into one little noise. My grandmother/grandfather Stram gave her this little lion that plays a very short (5 second) tune when you press it's paw. Pippa is fascinated by this toy and will spend up to an hour at a time staring at it and talking/cooing to it. Of course, you have to keep pressing the paw for it to "talk" back but she LOVES it!
That's about all that's been happening, she turns 5 weeks old tomorrow! It's ironic how slow the last month of pregnancy goes but how fast the first month of mommyhood is...

Pippa and Bella (sticking her tongue out!)
05/09/11 - three weeks old

05/16/2011 - four weeks old!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there!

My husband was generous enough to stay up with Pippa all night and bottle feed her so that I slept a glorious and full eight hours! Unfortunately I woke up a bit, um, full...but I was able to pump enough for storage and another bottle tonight. Pippa doesn't eat a lot but I produce a lot so in the mornings she nurses one side and I pump the other side, this gives Dan enough milk to feed her at night. We have not had to use any formula at all!
Anyway, I took my extra morning time to make myself breakfast and take a long shower, it was fantastic! Pippa is sleeping now (again) and I'm almost done with laundry and getting ready to make some lunch. Yum!

Coming up this week:
Pippa turns 3 weeks old tomorrow
Liam starts his first pottery class on Tuesday
I have a doctor check up for my incision
Grandma Margaret comes to visit from Florida
PTA activities galore at school (book fair and spring BBQ)

I cannot believe how fast these last three weeks have gone. I have three more weeks then I head back to work part time for another six weeks. I'm enjoying my time at home so much I don't want to go back!
I started back on my nutrition plan yesterday and I should be cleared for exercise in several more weeks. I have been walking as much as I can but the weather has been horrible. Hopefully it will get better soon. I also received the baby announcements yesterday so I need to get those addressed and in the mail. It will be a busy week! Have a great one all!

Below are some pictures from our photo shoot in the hospital room. She was one day old in these photos.

Looking a bit unhappy

My favorite

Daddy and his little girl

Almost an Easter baby

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Two Weeks and First Doctor Visit

Pippa turned two weeks old on Monday. Our week has been filled with late nights, visits from friends and family, lots of poopie diapers and many loads of spit-up or poop stained laundry. She is smiling with some effort now and has rolled over from front to back several times already. On Monday, she also began crying tears; this makes it harder to put her down.

We had our first doctor appointment with our pediatrician, Dr. Black, today. He is also Liam's pediatrician and I think he is amazing. He said all the crazy things she is experiencing (green poop, lots of explosions in the diaper, spit up by the gallons etc.) are all normal.

We are looking forward to some "alone" time. We have one more family visit then we can start getting into a schedule and hopefully sleeping more. Our birth announcements have been ordered and will be on their way to some lucky people shortly! Thanks everyone for your continued thoughts and well wishes.

Baby Pippa at two weeks

Photo Card

Initially Girl Baby Announcements
Shutterfly has personalized baby birth announcement cards.
View the entire collection of cards.